NEW YORK was so much fun!
Our hotel was right in the middle of Times Square!

Anyways.. New York was such a fun trip! I had so much fun getting to know Nell, Rach, and my aunt Carol better.
We've been having parties after institute and fhe. After fhe on Sundays the party is at my house; and after institute the party is usually at Brittany Peay's house. So if you attend either one of those, or if you are in my ward, come to the parties! We have so much fun! Except there won't be a party this Thursday because the ward will be in Lake Powell, which (by the way) I'm so excited for.
I started a new book. For those of you who know me, you know that I dispise reading (except the scriptures of course.) Story: I went to the book cabnet with plans to pick up Twilight so I could re-read the series. Then I saw another book that I was deeply drawn to. It's plain scarlet spine outlined with gold twill drew me in. I can't say how or why I was so enticed by this book. It's big, I don't know much about it, and I hate reading. So why this book? I read the inside cover to get a peep of what I might be in for. Was this attracting to me? No. But I continued to carry the book downstairs where I found a towel, went outside, set myself up to get some sun, and opened the book. Suddenly I'm reading, and I'm on page 10. (Keep in note that I hate reading so when I read 10 pages in one sitting, it's got to be good.) The book is about a woman, Margaret Lea, who is asked by a famous, world known writer, Vida Winter, to write a the one and only true biography about her. The book is called The Thirteenth Tale. What drew me in so much was the letter that was sent to Margaret about how a boy insisted Miss Winter tell the truth. Tell me the truth. So there you go. The book is intriguing to me.
Well I need to go get ready. And I leave for Lake Powell tomorrow morning at 6 am. YAY!!
Oh ps, I got a 4 on my AP Psychology test!! So tight!