
Jun 26, 2010

What is Love?

Love is one of those things that not many people in this world fully understand in their lifetime. Love, some think, is something so deeply felt in the heart that one could only love very few -if only one- people, objects, possessions, animals, etc.
Love, in my eyes, is not something that happens for one person, one possession, one of anything. Love, in my eyes, does not need to be proclaimed from housetops, posted on billboards, written on paper, or even declared aloud.
Love happens for many, if not all, people, objects, animals, nature, etc. Love means you care about it in some way. Love can be felt for sisters, brothers, parents, children, friends, teachers, leaders, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances, and even strangers.
Love is the only tangible feeling or concept that cannot be seen as an object.
Love is the only thing that will never change in an ever changing world.
Love is powerful and can save lives.
Love is gentle, yet strong.
Love is for everyone, in everyone.
"[Love] comforts, counsels, cures, and consoles. It leads us through valleys of darkness and through the veil of death. In the end love leads us to the glory and grandeur of eternal life.”  Joseph B. Wirthlin

Jun 17, 2010

Look to the Sky (Pictures)

These pictures were taken June 17th around 8:45 p.m. from my front porch and back deck with the Canon 30D (digital), ISO 100.

Berries and Cream!

I know this came out several years ago, but I am just so in love with it. I think Lindserloo and I have the skit down near perfect. We will be performing it at the next family reunion talent show, coming soon. Light and breezy!