
Sep 1, 2009


So before I tell you this story of mine, I figure I should let you in on what is going on with my school life. . .
I am in my second year at UVU, still majoring in Hospitality Management. I'm taking 2 classes right now, Financial Accounting and Intro to Photography. I love my photography class, and my accounting class... well it's accounting. I like being with people, not counting beans.
So now to my story.

I go to a university, we're adults right? Apparently not...
So as I'm sitting in my accounting class this afternoon I was gazing around the room, because the class got distracted on another topic of which I didn't understand, I watched people on their laptops getting on facebook, watched people get confused on the topic, and then I look to the table next to me at this boy, I say boy not man you'll understand why, who looks like he is about 22-23, and he is full on picking his nose.
WHAT?!? I thought we were adults here. The last time I saw someone picking their nose in a classroom setting was when I was in 4th grade.
After I saw that and was so disgusted, I started thinking of times when I've seen other adults picking their nose. Suddenly, I remembered of my idea for an awesome Ford commercial.
A couple years ago I was driving down the freeway looking at the other cars next to me, I was riding passenger so don't worry. This hot, blue Chevy Corvette pulled up to the side of us so naturally I look in to see what type of person was driving it. To my horror, it was the worst type of person driving this beautiful car: a nose picker.
Don't you think Ford could use that as a commercial? Well, I think it would be good.