
Oct 6, 2011

Why I Stand Out

Everyone wants to be different, to be noticed, to be important, and to stand out. But how can you do that when you follow all the rules? If everyone follows all the rules, then everyone is the same and no one stands out, ever.

Aristotle, da Vinci, and Michelangelo (along with many others) have thought outside the norm, have done things differently, and therefore have revolutionized the way we see and understand things now—even if, at the time, they were rejected.

I'm the type of girl who will stay within my boundaries, but I will stretch my boundaries to the very limits that would normally push others over the edge. I'm limber, I don't fall off edges.

I'm not a rebel in any dangerous way, but I rebel against the adulterated ideas that have become society’s norm. One of those adulterated norms being digital photography. So many people say that film photography has died and gone away. I feel sorry for these people because they don’t see and feel what can be right in front of them! I love the look, feel, sound, smell, and taste of film (without using taste buds). I love the thought provoking process of film. I love that film can do what digital only tries and almost always fails to imitate.

Photography started out as a hobby for me when I was a teenager; I used it digitally and I didn’t know what I was doing, but I liked it. Now, film photography has become this love affair for me, and I don’t see anything wrong with that! I photograph and produce unadulterated works; works that exist in nature and the beauty of individuals, and often people don’t seem to see these works in everyday life. In my images, I do my best to embrace these unadulterated works. I love and embrace the truths the world has always held, but is quickly forgetting.

Unadulterated photography is like a curved blade inside of me. The photography sticks in me and stays in me. If the photography is ever taken out, it leaves a very memorable mark. This is what I want my images, my photography to do. I want it to stick and stay in people, and if it leaves the people, it leaves them with a very memorable mark.

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