
Apr 30, 2008

What is real, just a dream

So I've been in Po'ipu, Kaua'i, Hawai'i for ... about 5 days now with my parents and my best friend Sarah. We got here around 5 pm on Saturday. It's been a blast.

Sunday we went to church (missed Sacrament meeting because we were searching for the building) and a couple of California boys spoke. One read the entire song of "Cats in the Cradle" or something like that. It was really weird. After church we just hung out on the beach all day.

The birds here are extremely friendly. They aren't scared of people at all. This is my mom feeding the bird a potato chip.

There are chickens, roosters, and cute little chicks everywhere.

This is me feeding the rooster. When I stopped, it started to crow at me.

Monday we did this thing called the Zodiac. It's a little tiny boat. Like white water rafting only going upstream with 2 motors. SO FUN!!! They took us around the opposite side of the island into caves, around secluded beaches, and to a little spot where we snorkled, ate, and went on a little 10 minute walk. Then came back. We got so wet! Salt water hurts when it gets in your eyes. And has quite the disgusting taste.

Yesterday was my birthday. Happy 18 to me! We did this awesome zip line ropes course that lasted about 2 hours.

Me on the first zip line-

One of our instructors, Sean, joined us for a picture-

Me on the happy bridge-

Then I climbed a 60 ft tall rock wall that moved. It was awesome.

We went out to dinner that night with my aunt Kaye, uncle Jim, and cousins Whitney, Kara, Skyler, and Cierra (aka The Girl). That was a lot of fun.

Today our plans are to 1. eat breakfast (we are 4 hours behind here so it's noon at home and 8 am in Hawai'i) 2. beach 3. play 4. beach 5. meet cute guys 6. beach 7. flirt with cute guys 8. beach. You get the idea.

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