
Jun 27, 2008

Just go with the seasons

Okay, I wrote this on Wednesday when I was on the plane.
Today has been like 3 days in one. Sunday night I hung out with Matt, Ryan, and Andrew. They are so fun to be around!
Anyways… Monday I slept in pretty late, then just did some things around the house. McLean called me that night because he was having a really rough time. So I told him I would meet him at the Blue Park (I think it has been re-named Liberty Park; it’s the one next to the police station in Alpine). The whole time while Mac was explaining things to me I was praying that whatever I said might be able to help him. It was so cool because some things I would say, I didn’t know really why I was saying them, but he said it helped, so yay!
Then Tuesday… What did I do Tuesday? … Oh yeah! I was going to wake up at 6:45 and go play tennis with my mom, but after my alarm went off the next thing I remember is waking up again at 9… Oh yes, yesterday was a big day. I had a hair appointment at 2 – just a little trim – and then had a doctor’s appointment at 3. After that appt I went to Paul and Mitch’s place. They had an awesome idea of setting booby traps in Kara’s apartment. Kara, I hope you find those before you read this; and I really wish I could see your reactions as you run into the traps! -I love ya!- So Mitch, Paul, and I went over there, Kara wasn’t there, luckily, but Tiffany was. So Mitch and I distracted her (not hard) while Paul set the traps. Oh I so wish I could see the reactions of the girls as they open a cupboard and a popper shoots out at them. You know, the poppers with the string that when you pull the string confetti comes flying out of the barrel after a loud “POW!” Sweet sauce.
So this morning I woke up at… just kidding, I never fell asleep. I went to work Tuesday night at 6, Matt and Bryan came in as we were closing, then after work I went over to Matt’s place, got home at 2, ate, packed, got myself somewhat presentable (yet I still looked wretched), and left for the airport. We (my mom, aunt Carol, and her daughters [my cousins] Rachel and Janelle) flew from SLC to the overly green “wherever there isn’t a building there’s a tree” land called Atlanta. And from Atlanta we flew to New York. Cool beans! I’m so excited for this trip.You know the area where you sit that is underneath the overhead luggage bins? Yeah I can stand under there if I tilt my head. Shortie is my name and cheerin is my game, I got... yeah I'll stop there.
Alright. That's what I wrote Wednesday.

Here's today:
There is so much to do in New York. You know how they say Vegas never sleeps? I think New York could carry that title so much better. Honestly.
So we went to see Wicked last night. WOW it was soooooo amazing! I absolutely LOVED it! And I totally recommend it for anyone to see.
Today we walked around a ton. Like.. wow. I think walking this much gives me a little exercise. And I'm also getting really used to the streets. I would do okay here, I mean if I lived here. But no way Jose would I live here.
Anyways.. I need to scidadle.

Peace, love, chicken grease.


  1. Only one the poppers actually went off. The rest we just found when we were trying to open things and the duct tape inside was preventing us from doing anything. It was still funny and surprising. I think if the one in the toilet would have gone off, it would have been the sweetest thing ever!

  2. such a fun girls' trip! so fun to get to know aunt lis and cousin shay better...i need your e-mail address! by the way, did your mom tell you that the "friends fountain" is actually in burbank, california, where the series was actually filmed? i died when i thought of us and our silly pictures, so excited to be at THE fountain...oh well, good memories, anyway! ;)
