
Jun 10, 2008

We should get jersey's 'cause we'd make a good team.

Friday night I went to Provo to hang out with Kara and some of her guy friends. It was a blast. First, Kara took me to get some yummy Italian ice cream ish delights called Jalato, I think. Then Paul and Mitch met us there. After that we went back to the boys' apartment where they made me do a pull up contest, which I was glad to do because what little bit of beef my arms have, I like to show haha! I now hold the record for the girls contest with 2 1/2 pull ups. I want to try it again this week and try to top myself.

We then decided to play Croquet across the street at the Provo Library. So Kara and I were going to fetch my jacket out of my car, but on the way we stopped to talk to Brett. He is a very fun guy. Very fun to talk to. **Background information necessary to the following story: Paul and Mitch live upstairs next to a staircase that, at the bottom, is a 3ft space followed by 2 doors that close together (meaning there's no bar in between the doors)** While we were talking to Brett, my attention was caught when I heard Mitch say to Paul, "Try kicking both doors open with one foot." I looked over to see a foot slam into the crack between the doors and they both fly open. Kind of like suspenseful parts of a movie when all of the sudden the doors swing open showing a black abyss to be entered by the naive hero or heroess. So I giggled, and turned my attention back to Kara's and Brett's intense conversation. Suddenly my attention got interrupted by, "I'm want to try sliding down the railing and kicking the doors open." So I look up as Paul is sliding down the railing, overtaken by fear, and falls to the stair side of the railing. He was anticipating flying through the air into the doors to swing them wide open and landing on his feet as the doors swing shut. Paul, God gave man many talents to have, one of them was not flying.

Then we played Croquet...

After we played Croquet twice (Paul lost, Kara came in third, I came in 1st the first time, and Mitch came in 1st the second time) we had a beer bonging contest. Only we used lemonade, mountain dew, and Sunny D instead. Apparently Kara doesn't know how to swallow. Kara, I don't know how to explain this skill to you other than: take the substance, either food or drink, to the back of your mouth, and gulp! Paul basically just put the drink in his stomach, it went down so fast. Brett is pretty good at downing it really fast too.

Saturday I wheeled Caitlin Anderson around the mall. Then I worked with Tori and Sephra. Kara, Whitney, and Paul made my night when they came to visit me. Then, right before we closed, we had a dancing party. We're all pretty decent at hip hop, so we pretty much just rock out. I took home some cookies to take to the Peay's (Branton's family) the next night. Sunday night there was a fireside for my single's ward. I went alone, but it was way fun because I found Brittany Peay (Branton's sister) and sat with her and her friend Whitney. Then I took the cookies over to the Peay's house (Brittany wasn't there because she was on clean up crew). I ended up staying and talking with Dan (Branton's dad) and Cami (his mom) for a half hour! It was so fun to just chat with them. Tova (their 2 year old) is soooooo cute. She brought me her pink poodle, ran over to her dad, then came back over to me where I gave her back the dog and she chucked it in the air. I love Tova! Actually, I just love the whole family.


Last night I worked with Tori again, which was so fun! We basically just play the whole time. But when customers come, they are our first priority.

This morning I went over to Tori's house and we made breakfast for the family because her sister Megan, brother-in-law .. I just forgot his name.. and her cute niece Lily came back from Hawaii for a family get-together. The breakfast was soooo good! I made Banana Macadamia-Nut Pancakes topped with Coconut Syrup, whipped cream, and macadamia-nut shavings. Tori made muffins and Orange Julius. I was so full after because the breakfast was SO good!

Well, all in all, this week has gone great! I love being with Kara, the Peay's, Caitlin, and Tori!


  1. Good post. First, the ice creamish place is called Maestro's. It's a gellato cafe. Gellato is the name of the italian ice cream stuff. 2nd, I had no idea Paul tried to slide down the banister and kick the doors open. I must've been deeply submerged in my conversation with Brett. 3rd, I didn't swallow because they told me it would just go straight down, and by the look of Paul doing it with the Sunny D, it looked like it went down FAST and with a lot of FORCE. I did not want to choke by swallowing what they told me would just go down on its own. There. Done and done. I'm going to practice though :) I will get better.

  2. How cute are you??! Glad you got a blog!
