
May 12, 2008

I'd rather sleep my whole life away than have you keep me from dreaming.

This will be a long blog because it will be covering a one week time period. Here it goes! Enjoy.
Tuesday, the 6th, I went to a soccer game at Lone Peak, we won!
This is my cousin Brian Hale. He's the keeper.
Then I went swimming at Brandon's house with him and Derek. It was fun; Brandon's pool is really sweet. My dad also left for St. George on Tuesday to a UTA (Utah Truckers' Association) convention - he spoke at it.
Wednesday, the 7th, I had seminary - best class ever. I took a funny picture of Brother Christiansen; he looks a little bit like Cristiano Pesci in this picture.
Then I went out to lunch with my mom at the Brick Oven. It was so delightful! She left to St. George after we had lunch.
Then I went to a Lacrosse game against Lehi. Lone Peak totally slaughtered them.
My mom needed me to go to Nordstrom that night for customer appreciation night. I took my friend Scott with me so I wouldn't have to go alone.

This is his dog. I took a picture of her when I picked up Scott.

T'was very nice of him to join me. On the way to the mall Scott took about 20 pictures on my camera (he's a bit camera crazy). I got my mom some shoes from Nordstrom for Mother's Day that she has been wanting.
My parents got home on Friday, the 9th.
I hung out with Kara and her friends Kasey, Spencer, Phil, and Dave that night. I also brought along my friends Caitlin Yeck and Caitlin Anderson.

This is Kara and me.

This is the Caitlins.

We went to Chadders, then to the movie Iron Man. That movie was so good! I thought it was going to be totally cheesy because, in the previews, this guy in an iron suit is flying with jets in the sky. Well the movie was sweet.
Saturday, the 10th, was fun! Tori and I got take out from Cafe Rio. We took it to the wooden park in PG and ate, like a picnic! Then we went to Partyland in Lehi and got balloons to make balloon hats. So on the way of taking Tori home, her mom told her that she couldn't hang out that night (which was weird because she let Tori come get lunch). So I went home, called Lindsay, and we made balloon hats. I took mine to Tori because I thought she might like it. T'was fun.

This is the balloon hat, balloon arm band, and balloon bracelet.

That night I went bowling with Derek, Justin, Brandon, Jeff, and Becca. I lost. But I would either get a gutter ball, spare, or strike. I rarely got anything between. So I did well depending on how many gutter balls I didn't get.

This is Derek and me.

This is Jeff.

This is Brandon.

This is me after I got a spare.

I GOT TO TALK TO SKYLER ON SUNDAY!!! Because it was Mother's Day on Sunday, my brother got to call. So I got to talk to my best friend.He is doing awesome in England.

Tuesday, the 13th, I went to the Lone Peak soccer game. We lost in overtime (first to score wins). There was no score the entire game until overtime when Weber got lucky. It was the most competitive and sad game I have ever seen from LP soccer. These boys are still awesome, they rock.
LP is in the white. Weber in the red.
Yesterday, the 14th, I took a long nap and had a really weird dream having to do with Batman coming back, only he was magical. Then I went to a Lone Peak Lacrosse game at Mountain View. We beat Sky View 12 to 7. The refs kept making the worste calls. It was ridiculous. T'was. We still won though. That just shows how amazing these boys are.
I went to my Grandma's house after because she lives next door to MV. We chatted and watched the Jazz-Lakers game. Which, by the way, does anyone know the final score of that? I was only able to see the first quarter.
So today... I just got back from seminary like 5 minutes ago. Brother Christiansen is one of the very best teachers.
Here's my top seminary teachers list:
  1. Gillings & Christiansen
  2. Twitty
  3. Permann
  4. VanDyke
  5. Fillmore

Seminary has pretty much been my favorite class ever. Speaking of, seminary graduation is this Sunday at 6. I'm speaking at it. Exciting, eh? Well I'm excited to speak at it.


  1. Nordstrom customer appreciation = awesome! Are you staying alone at your house? When do your parents get back?

  2. Woah, you added more to this post. How did your balloon hats turn out? Did you take pictures? We were watching the game last night but with 20.2 seconds to go the power in Dave's apt went out. It was hilarious cause it was funn of people and they were freaking out. I'm pretty sure the Lakers wone though. I love Skyler and I'm glad you got to talk to him. When is your seminary graduation?
