
Jul 8, 2010

New Blog

Hello everyone! I have created a new blog for my photography. The blog you see here is my personal blog (my musings, thoughts, ideas, poetry, basically anything happening in my life). But as for my photography, there is a new blog for that. There is a link to view that blog to the top right of this page, or you can click here.
I'm really trying to get my name out there so that I can do pictures for people, companies, families, etc. So please, if you like my work tell your friends, give them the web address (, or even my phone number (for those of you who know me will know what that number is, I don't trust the internet that much).

1 comment:

  1. Do you want me to do a little 'shout-out post' for your new blog? ...if it helps get your name out just a little bit more.... :)
    I could post one of your pictures on there as an example, with your permission.
    Let me know.
