
Aug 19, 2010

I Need You...

In order to build my portfolio there are a couple of projects I would like to do free of charge. Please comment or email me if you are interested in being part of one:
  • Young adult group (men and women between the ages of 18-30)
  • Young children (ages 2-7)
If you want to be in these groups all I ask is that you provide either a disk or a thumb drive for me to put your pictures onto so you can have them.
When I have enough people for the groups we can start coordinating a time and place that is good for everyone. If you comment, please don't leave any information that you don't want seen on the internet. Your privacy is important to me! I'll either message you back if it's on facebook, or email me at and I will respond ASAP.
The only disclaimer is that you will have to drive yourself or your children. My little car can't hold very many people. Also, if you want your child photographed, please accompany your child or, if you cannot attend, send another guardian.
Share this with your friends!

Aug 15, 2010

So long!

It has been a while since I have written on this blog! So sorry! Things have been so crazy busy for me. During the days I have school, during the night I am either doing ward things or get togethers with different friends, and in between I eat, sleep, do homework, edit pictures, get ready for my best friend to move out of the house and get married to the best friend I set him up with, etc. Things are crazy and my emotions are not consistent. One minute I'm so happy for my brother to get married, the next I'm stressed realizing how much I'm actually doing day to day.
My Great Aunt June died last week, her funeral is tomorrow. I've known her since I was born. She is my Aunt Juney. I'm a little sad that she is gone, but more than anything I'm so happy that she is in such a great place right now. There is a fantastic talk given by a man a few decades ago that gives great insight to a few things about the Spirit World. I don't know the name of it or him right now, I'll have to check with my Dad and post again about it. If someone close to you has died, or you just want to simply increase some understanding, you will want to read this. It is kind of long, compared to most talks, but SO worth it.

Even though I'm really busy, I still love to and want to take pictures of people. In fact, to build my portfolio I'm wanting to do family and group pictures. My girlie cousins, I want you guys as a group next to some neat buildings in a commercial area, let me know if you are in and I'll give you a call. (email your cell to I'm also wanting to do a "friends" group, ages 18-30, location will depend on the number. I'll inform you all of what type of clothes to wear. I will give out the pictures if you bring a thumb-drive. Please tell your friends, they may want to come!
(I'll be posting something like that again so people don't have to scroll through a soap box section)