
Jan 25, 2011


Sort of... but just from this blog. Those of you following my photography know that I'm not dead. However, I do have some posts for this blog that I'm kind of excited about! In the mean-time, here is some documentation of the past few months of my life.

Classic Shaylee Face

Wore these shoes for our ward talent show.
Single Ladies Dance.

Went to a Jazz game the day before Thanksgiving.
Tickets: $5

Caitlin and me

One day while I was visiting Aunt Kaye,
Haven got herself into a human monkey-trap.

My friend's bird Victoria



A day of playing in the rain.

My mom and me at Skyler's Luncheon

Dogsledding in January

Google has a way that you can take a picture of
something and it will find pictures that look like
the one you took.
We took a picture of Uncle Marky and
this was the result.


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