
Oct 6, 2011

Why I Stand Out

Everyone wants to be different, to be noticed, to be important, and to stand out. But how can you do that when you follow all the rules? If everyone follows all the rules, then everyone is the same and no one stands out, ever.

Aristotle, da Vinci, and Michelangelo (along with many others) have thought outside the norm, have done things differently, and therefore have revolutionized the way we see and understand things now—even if, at the time, they were rejected.

I'm the type of girl who will stay within my boundaries, but I will stretch my boundaries to the very limits that would normally push others over the edge. I'm limber, I don't fall off edges.

I'm not a rebel in any dangerous way, but I rebel against the adulterated ideas that have become society’s norm. One of those adulterated norms being digital photography. So many people say that film photography has died and gone away. I feel sorry for these people because they don’t see and feel what can be right in front of them! I love the look, feel, sound, smell, and taste of film (without using taste buds). I love the thought provoking process of film. I love that film can do what digital only tries and almost always fails to imitate.

Photography started out as a hobby for me when I was a teenager; I used it digitally and I didn’t know what I was doing, but I liked it. Now, film photography has become this love affair for me, and I don’t see anything wrong with that! I photograph and produce unadulterated works; works that exist in nature and the beauty of individuals, and often people don’t seem to see these works in everyday life. In my images, I do my best to embrace these unadulterated works. I love and embrace the truths the world has always held, but is quickly forgetting.

Unadulterated photography is like a curved blade inside of me. The photography sticks in me and stays in me. If the photography is ever taken out, it leaves a very memorable mark. This is what I want my images, my photography to do. I want it to stick and stay in people, and if it leaves the people, it leaves them with a very memorable mark.

Oct 4, 2011

Sweet Rock

rock slide. slide swirl. swirl cone. cone head. head strong. strong bad. bad boys. boy toy. toy car. car mechanic. mechanical pencil. pencil pusher. push up. upsi-daisy. daisy duke. dukes of hazard. hazardous material. material girl. girly sweet. sweet rock.

Rock climbing at Trafalga in Lehi, then Sweet Tooth Fairy in Orem. Fun and Yum.

Sep 28, 2011


Last Friday I went to the BYU vs UCF game with Jared. It was so much fun. Jumping up and down, screaming out of joy, and cupping my hands to my face out of frustration at the occasional fumble just doesn't cut it in a home theatre. At the game is SOOO much better!
And check out that sunset beyond the stadium!

Sep 24, 2011

The Girl Who Chased the Sun

This passage comes from one of my inspirational photographers--Becky Earl. You can see her post (complete with wonderful images) here.

The other morning before the three little ones had woken up, (Justin was gone already for the day) my oldest, Sadie, came into my bed and nuzzled into my arms. This is rare because Sadie can out sleep anyone in our home. But I was happy she was there.
As we laid in bed she asked, “Wanna know what I dreamed about?”
“Of course,” I said.
She told me she chased the sun through her entire dream. Confused, I asked her to explain. She said, (maybe a little annoyed at me) “I ran across the whole world trying to catch the sun before it went down.” To indulge her, or maybe to indulge me, I closed my eyes as she told me what she had seen. And as I listened, for a small moment, my life, felt a little bit like magic.
I could see the golden glow on her dirty blond hair from the sun setting. I could feel the wind on her face as she ran as fast as she could to catch that sun. I could hear the echos of her squeals of laughter and see her outstretched arms trying so hard, just for one moment, to touch it. I could feel the ground beneath her bare feet as she ran unwarily.
I asked her if she ever got tired and she responded, “no, I just kept running and running.”
I could see the animals, the ocean, the trees. I could see the open plains filled with tall grass with the wild flowers swaying as she run by.
I saw her world as her five year old self would. It was this big beautiful place full of magic and wonderment. It was safe.
I then asked her if she ever caught that sun before it went down. She smiled and even giggled a little bit at me and said, “Nope. It just went down.” She wasn’t disappointed. She didn’t even sound frustrated or defeated by it. She just accepted it, almost as if she knew that would be the outcome the entire time.
And then, there it was. My light bulb moment.
It wasn’t about actually catching the sun before it set.
It was about the chase. It was about the adventure. All the things she had seen and felt, is what made her dream exciting and memorable and maybe even a little bit silly.
And next week this five year old child that lay cuddling me in my arms will be in Kindergarten. And before I know it, will be trading in her dollies and dress ups for nail polish and boys. And my girl who chased the sun across the earth will be gone.
And so, no longer do I want to focus my thoughts on the outcome.

I want to chase the sun.

And I don’t want to worry about ever catching it in the end. But enjoy the breeze on my face and the ground beneath my feet. I want to relish in my life and every second that passes by.
I will embrace these times when we have no money. I will love the cereal dinners and ramen noodles for lunch. I will appreciate the long nights up with the babies and the early rising mornings…with the babies. I will let the kids run in the rain and play in the mud and not worry so much about the mess that ends up in my house. But focus on the happy memories they will make in their childhood.
I will not forget what it was like to be a child!
Because before I know it, that sun will set and all I will have to look back on are these moments. These crazy, chaotic, full of life, moments.

Sep 19, 2011

A Day with Kayla

I had such a fun time out with Kayla two Saturdays ago. We went to Wing Nutz then to The Sweet Tooth Fairy. Both are so good! Both these places are located in the little strip mall place NE of University Mall. I enjoy walking around there and grabbing a Sweet Tooth treat.

While we were out n about the BYU vs Ole Miss game was happening. Provo was barren! There were few cars on the roads, and retail was nearly dead. We went to Wing Nutz for the purpose of not only getting some yummy in our tummies, but also to watch the game. After we left the strip mall with lots of yummies in our tummies, we ventured to American Fork for more errands. On the way home from AF, we were listening to the game on AM and just chattin it up -- as we usually do! All of the sudden, the radio seemed to get a little more excited about something. So we hushed real quick, turned up the radio, touchdown!! We started screaming and cheering in my car!

Kayler, I had so much fun talking and laughing with you. I love when you and I get to go out and have some fun.

Love you, Kayler!

Aug 11, 2011

Droubay Family

I just realized that I've had new family pictures of us and I haven't posted them! Shame on me.
These photographs were done by Yan Photo in February 2011 (see, I'm sorry I didn't post them sooner.) We had so much fun getting to know a little about Yan while she took photographs of us. I think these are fabulous. I was so grateful that Yan could do a Simple Session for us. She has been my favorite photographer for a year now, she is fantastic! Her name is Diana Palmer, her husband gave her the nickname of Yan, and she has ...3? 4? darling little children. Thank you, Yan!

If the pictures seem a little blurry, it's because of Blogger, not Yan.

Jun 20, 2011


I have been neglecting this blog and I am sorry! I'm mostly apologizing to my blog/journal/self, but if you are offended by my blog neglect then I will apologize to you, too ;)
There is so much that I want to write about. England, France, people I met, experiences I had, school projects, personal thoughts. Just so much.
So, blog, here is my apology to you. These posts I am excited about will come *soon.

*Please note there was no commitment date, just "soon."

hardy har har

May 31, 2011

New Toy

Check out my new toys. I'm a pretty good builder, huh. ;)

Apr 13, 2011

45: A Tribute to Randy Stout and Other Great Dads

Randy Stout, a great friend, died yesterday from a major heart attack. Aaron is his son and a very good friend of mine.
Stout family, you are in my prayers. Randy, you will be missed.
I know that Heavenly Father has a plan and purpose for Randy. Having an eternal perspective helps so much in coping with the death of a loved one.

I can't help but think of what if that happened to my dad. Randy was only 45 years old.


My dad turns 49 this year. What if?
What if tomorrow is my last day with my dad?

I want him to take me on another motorcycle ride.
I want to eat ice cream and burned cookies dipped in milk with him.
I want to go for another 7 hour drive like we did four Christmases ago.
I want another father's blessing.
I want him to kiss me on my forehead and tell me goodnight like he's done since I was a little girl.

Of all the great memories I have had with my dad, those were the best. I want to do that again with you, Dad.
I love you.

P.S. Dad, sorry I exploited your age.

Mar 30, 2011

Fun, Laughter, Love

Girls' night outs are always so fun. Filled with adventures around town, making inside jokes and laughing about them all night, and, of course, love. I really do love all my girlfriends.

The night started out with a delicious dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. Yummy Spinach Tortellini followed by Spumoni ice cream. Very few ice creams beat OSF's Spumoni.

We then went to Limitless at the Cinemark theatre. The storyline and plot of the movie are quite captivating. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend it; however, it isn't a top favorite. I'll admit that movie made me dizzy from time to time, and I never get dizzy in movies. Great storyline, but the producers/directors/dp's/whoever got a little carried away with their technique. 

After the movie we went to Spark. So fun! The drinks there are delicious. I got the Shirley Temple. It comes with cotton candy coming out of the drink! Yum.
All in all it was a great night filled with fun and laughter and love.

Mar 28, 2011

Festival of Colors

On March 26, 2011, I went to the Festival of Colors for the first time. SO FUN. Colored chalk dust everywhere, weird sermon guy, dancing, laughing, and colorful.

Meet Kyle. He has a green handprint on his face.

Most people ask why it's not all over in my hair. Truthfully, my hair kept changing from yellow, to orange, to pink, to purple, to green, back to yellow, and I think it ended in a shade of purple. After two washes it was back to normal.

Mar 17, 2011


Often times I step back from the forefront and take a look at my life. I always see that I am just like my parents in so many ways.
People who know my dad say I am just like my dad. People who know my mom say I am just like my mom.

So I wondered, just how alike am I to both of my parents?
After making the lists of similarities between me and my mom, and me and my dad, I left the lists on the kitchen counter. A day later I saw that my dad had written his 2 cents on each list. On the list of me and my dad, he wrote, "Extremely attractive." On the list of me and my mom, he wrote, "Wanted by all the guys in the singles ward." I laughed and thought, that's something I would do, write on someone else's stuff just to add a little input.

My Dad
My dad and I have identical bodies (with the exception of male/female-ness [I have some figure]). Our physique, body shape, and toned, prominent muscles are the same. Our legs and arms are structured the same. I got my height from him. Our hands and feet are practically cloned structures, down to the very misshapen parts. I got his hair, his lips, his eyes, his chubby cheeks, his chin. We even have the same facial expressions.
Apart from our phenotypes (the physical effect of genetics), we are alike emotionally. We both like to know we are liked, but we don't have the need to be liked; if someone doesn't like us, we couldn't care less! We are both very extroverted; we aren't afraid to meet new people or stand out from a crowd. We have people skills. Apparently we are impatient; I think we're becoming more patient with age.

My Mom
The only phenotype I got from my mom is my nose.
However, though we have basically nothing physically in common, we think almost exactly alike. We have the want to be better at what we do. We are competitive, but we are okay if we lose. We are huge into people-watching; thus, we understand people. We think of all possibilities that can affect one situation. We talk the same--have the same vocabulary and use the same tones throughout our conversations.
The reason why people think we look so much alike is because of our lifestyle. We are fit, healthy. We dress the same. We style our hair the same (thank you Logan!). We even do our makeup similar.

I am half of my dad, and half of my mom. Half-n-Half.
I love my parents so very much! They are such great examples to me. I hope to be the kind of parents to my children as they have been to me.

Jan 25, 2011

Live the Questions

"Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions."
--R.M. Rilke from "Letters to a Young Poet"

I saw this quote in James Victore's book and really liked it, but I didn't quite understand what it meant. Then, after realizing some things in my life, it made a lot more sense. Stop asking questions and just go, just do, just become.
I want to venture out from my bubble. I want to go to restaurants I haven't been to and order new items from the restaurants I have. I want to go rock climbing. I want to run on a weekly basis. I want to go sky-diving in the next 5 years. I want to have a huge snowball fight with everyone in my city.
I want to live the questions.


Sort of... but just from this blog. Those of you following my photography know that I'm not dead. However, I do have some posts for this blog that I'm kind of excited about! In the mean-time, here is some documentation of the past few months of my life.

Classic Shaylee Face

Wore these shoes for our ward talent show.
Single Ladies Dance.

Went to a Jazz game the day before Thanksgiving.
Tickets: $5

Caitlin and me

One day while I was visiting Aunt Kaye,
Haven got herself into a human monkey-trap.

My friend's bird Victoria



A day of playing in the rain.

My mom and me at Skyler's Luncheon

Dogsledding in January

Google has a way that you can take a picture of
something and it will find pictures that look like
the one you took.
We took a picture of Uncle Marky and
this was the result.